Pediatric Therapy Articles

Common Myths About Learning Disabilities, And Why They’re False | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Common Myths About Learning Disabilities, And Why They’re False 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

There are a lot of myths surrounding learning disabilities. For instance, some people mistakenly believe that learning disabilities can be caused by low intelligence, parental neglect, or even too much television. Unfortunately, these myths significantly contribute to stigma and ableism towards people living with learning disabilities. If your child has been recently diagnosed with a…

Speech Therapy Treatments For Hearing Impaired Kids | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Speech Therapy Treatments For Hearing Impaired Kids 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

Even before your child learns to speak, they are getting inputs from their environment which will help guide how their language skills develop. The five traditional senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell – all help them to learn about the world around them, even before they can communicate clearly with their parents, caregivers,…

Important Occupational Therapy Milestones For Your Child's Development | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Important Occupational Therapy Milestones For Your Child’s Development 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

Occupational therapy milestones are important markers for the growth and development of your child. Keeping track of them allows you to keep an eye on their development and progress. This way, you’ll know if your child needs some extra help. If they do, there are some great options if you’re looking for pediatric occupational therapy…

Important Speech Therapy Milestones For Your Child’s Development | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Important Speech Therapy Milestones For Your Child’s Development 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

Is your child struggling to properly pronounce and articulate their words? Have you noticed that they aren’t speaking as much as other children in their age range? While every child will develop their speech skills at their own pace, significant delays in speech production may indicate an underlying problem, such as a developmental delay. Fortunately,…

Important Physical Therapy Milestones For Your Child’s Development | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Important Physical Therapy Milestones For Your Child’s Development 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

The first several years of a child’s life are typically characterized by numerous physical and behavioral signs of development. As parents, we anxiously await these milestones and celebrate their arrival. For the most part, these milestones occur in a predictable timeline. However, some children, such as those with developmental disabilities, struggle to meet the milestones…

Speech Therapy For Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Speech Therapy For Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

Do you have a new baby with a cleft lip or cleft palate? These conditions are fairly common, but can still be stressful to navigate as a new parent. In particular, clefts can cause complications related to feeding and speech. If you think your child is having speech issues related to having a cleft lip…

What's Causing Your Child's Poor Handwriting? | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
What’s Causing Your Child’s Poor Handwriting? 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

As practitioners at a pediatric therapeutic clinic, we’ve worked with enough medical doctors over the years to know that some people just have sloppy handwriting. However, if your child has messy handwriting, there are a number of different potential causes. These can be as simple as being age related, meaning that your child is very…

Physical Therapy Treatments For Kids With Scoliosis | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Physical Therapy Treatments For Kids With Scoliosis 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

If your child has recently been diagnosed with scoliosis, you likely have plenty of questions. For example, you might be wondering whether your child’s diagnosis will impact their quality of life. Or perhaps you’re unsure about which therapy option will best help maximize their unique abilities. At Triumph Therapeutics, we offer pediatric physical therapy in…

Speech Therapy For Kids With Speech Sound Disorders | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
Speech Therapy For Kids With Speech Sound Disorders 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

Does your child miss certain sounds in words? Do they swap some sounds for others? If so, they may have a speech sound disorder. Speech sound disorders can manifest in a number of different ways. Depending on the type of speech sound disorder and its cause, it can happen when your child is very young…

How To Help Teach Your Child To Read | Triumph Therapeutics | Physical Therapy in Washington DC
How To Help Teach Your Child To Read 710 379 Triumph Therapeutics Triumph Therapeutics

When it comes to skills which can greatly improve your life, reading is very high on the list. Beyond the basics of being important for success in school, reading can help boost communication skills, expands vocabulary, stimulates brain activity, helps to improve focus and concentration and much, much more. Some children are voracious readers from…